Investment Advisory Agreement

October 2024 

You (“you” or “Client”) and Beanstox Inc., a Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) registered investment adviser (“Beanstox” or the “Portfolio Advisor”), agree to enter into this investment advisory agreement (the “Advisory Agreement”), which becomes effective when you electronically agree with the terms of the Advisory Agreement. 

If Client is unwilling to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Advisory Agreement, Client will not submit an application to become a Client and open an account. In addition, Beanstox reserves the right to decline any application to open, or to terminate, an account at any time and for any reason, in its sole discretion. 

By entering into this Advisory Agreement, Client acknowledges receipt of the Beanstox Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), Part 2A and Part 3 (Customer Relationship Summary) of Beanstox’s Form ADV (the “Brochure”), and the Terms and Conditions Agreement (the “Terms and Conditions”, and collectively with the Privacy Policy, the Brochure, and the Advisory Agreement, the “Beanstox Agreements”). The Beanstox Agreements are available on the Platform (as defined below). Beanstox reserves the right to modify or terminate the Beanstox Agreements, including this Advisory Agreement, at any time. Up-to-date information about the services contemplated by this Advisory Agreement will be provided via the Platform. Client agrees to electronic delivery of the Beanstox Agreements via the Platform. Client agrees to consult the Advisory Agreement information on the Platform regularly. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT ALL THE BEANSTOX AGREEMENTS, INCLUDING THIS ADVISORY AGREEMENT, ARE GOVERNED BY THE BINDING ARBITRATION CLAUSE SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. 


Beanstox provides automated internet-based investment advisory services (the “Program”) available online through mobile applications and Web App (the “App”). Additional information regarding the Program and Program onboarding are also available via the Beanstox website (the “Website” and, collectively with the App, the “Platform”). The Program provides individual investors with simple and cost-effective ways to invest in United States (the “U.S.”) and international equity and bond markets through Exchange Traded Funds (an “ETF” or “ETFs”). Beanstox does not provide overall financial or tax planning advice. 

Client hereby appoints Beanstox as portfolio adviser of Client’s assets held in each of the accounts (each an “Account”) that Client opens with Beanstox through the App. 

The Program is only available to individual investors 18 years and older who are legal residents of the U.S. 

Beanstox sets a minimum account size required to open and maintain any Beanstox Account. The minimum amount is set forth on the App. Beanstox reserves the right to set and modify the minimum initial deposit or minimum account size required from time to time.

Clients who decide to use the Program should be aware that Beanstox’s relationship with Clients is likely to differ from the traditional financial advisor relationship in several respects: 

  • Beanstox is a software-based, automated internet-based investment advisory service which means each Client must acknowledge, and agree to, having the ability and willingness to conduct a relationship with Beanstox on an electronic basis. Under the terms of this Advisory Agreement, each Client agrees to receive all Account information and documentation, and any updates or changes to same, through the App and, at times, via electronic communications from Beanstox. Unless specifically noted otherwise by Beanstox, including on the Platform, all Beanstox investment advisory services and all documentation related to advisory services provided by Beanstox pursuant to this Advisory Agreement entered into electronically between Client and Beanstox, are managed electronically. Beanstox does make individual customer service representatives available electronically to assist Clients with technical and general customer service support matters. 

As part of the Program Beanstox currently offers three investment plans (each a “Plan”), Beanstox Simple, Beanstox Plus, and Beanstox Premium, and three different investment Accounts and three subscriptions levels: 

Beanstox IRA Accounts 

IRA Accounts are available to Clients with Beanstox Premium for a $10 monthly Subscription Fee. IRA Accounts will be invested in a personalized ETF portfolio described below. 

Personalized ETF portfolios (“Personalized ETF Portfolios”) are available for Wealth Builder, Traditional IRA and Roth IRA Accounts (“Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts”). 

Beanstox Wealth Builder 

Wealth Builder is available to Clients with Beanstox Plus for a $5 monthly Subscription Fee (defined below) and Beanstox Premium which also offers IRA accounts for a $10 monthly Subscription Fee. Both Beanstox Plus and Beanstox Premium also include Stocks 500 and Power Savings Accounts (described below). Please refer to the Program Fees section in this Agreement for additional information regarding the applicable Subscription Fee.

Personalized ETF Portfolios 

For the Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts, Beanstox provides investment advice via the Program (the “Advice”) specifically based on a Client’s investment goals and risk tolerance levels (the “Client Profile”). The Advice derived from the Client Profile is based on Beanstox’s investment methodology and asset allocation strategies. More information about Beanstox’s Advice and methodologies is available on the Platform. Client agrees that if a material change occurs to Client’s investment goals and risk tolerance, or financial circumstances, Client will promptly notify Beanstox by emailing or making the appropriate changes on the App in Settings under “Portfolio and Risk Questionnaire”. Beanstox will periodically, no less frequently than annually, send Client a reminder to review the Client Profile for any changes. 

In order to provide the Advice to Clients with Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts, Beanstox collects information from each Client, including specific information about each Client’s financial profile and investment goals and risk tolerance (the “Client Information”). Beanstox maintains Client Information in strict confidence subject to its Privacy Policy. In providing the Program for Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts, Beanstox relies on the accuracy of the Client Information received from Client. Although Beanstox may contact Client periodically to prompt Client to update the Client Information to ensure accuracy of the Client Information, Client must promptly notify Beanstox of any change to the Client Information previously provided by Client to Beanstox, including information that could influence Client’s stated investment goals, risk profile or the recommendation of a Proposed Portfolio (as defined below). Client’s failure to timely update this information could materially impact the quality and applicability of Beanstox’s advice and recommendation. Selected Portfolios (as defined below) are not based on the Client Information. 

Personalized ETF Portfolios - Investment Strategy and Portfolios 

Beanstox develops model portfolios (the “Model Portfolios”) which are designed to address the investment goals and risk tolerance levels set out in the Client Information. In developing and updating the Model Portfolios, Beanstox identifies what it believes to be appropriate (i) asset classes, (ii) securities to represent these asset classes, and (iii) allocations within each asset class for each identified risk level to provide Clients with access to a Client targeted simple and cost-effective Model Portfolio. Beanstox selects ETFs for each asset class comprising the Model Portfolios, using selection criteria for each Model Portfolio, including the ETF portfolio definition, diversification, trading liquidity, and cost. The asset classes considered for a Model Portfolio include U.S. equities (e.g. large cap, technology, value and growth), international equities, emerging markets equities and fixed income (e.g. treasury and municipal bonds and corporate bonds). 

Based on the Client Information, using its proprietary method, Beanstox will propose to an IRA or Wealth Builder Client for review and approval a proposed portfolio (the “Proposed Portfolio”) derived from the various Model Portfolios. You acknowledge that Beanstox identifies the Proposed Portfolio in reliance on the Client Information. You agree that you are responsible for ensuring your Client Information is true, accurate, complete, and current in accordance with applicable law. Beanstox shall not be liable for any recommendation of a Proposed Portfolio based on untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date Client Information. You acknowledge that the Proposed Portfolio recommended by Beanstox as meeting your goals and risk tolerance is based on the Client Information you provide, and the investment advisory methodology used in developing the Model Portfolios and recommending the Proposed Portfolio. However, you agree that there is no guarantee, representation, warranty, or covenant that the Proposed Portfolio will perform better over any time period than any other Model Portfolio or any other investment. Generally, Clients with lower risk tolerance will be offered a Proposed Portfolio from the various Model Portfolios with lower risk profiles and lower expected returns and lower expected volatility. Clients with higher risk tolerance will be offered a Proposed Portfolio from the various Model Portfolios with higher risk profiles and higher potential returns and higher expected volatility. Beanstox recommendations for a Proposed Portfolio will not be based on any assets or liabilities outside the Portfolios (defined below). Beanstox does not take a Client’s other assets, including assets the Client may invest in Stocks 500 or Power Savings, into consideration for its assessment of diversification of a Client’s assets. Client also acknowledges that an investment in Stocks 500, as an addition to a Client’s Proposed Portfolio, would likely result in an over-allocation to large cap equity securities. To the extent a Client’s aggregate Portfolio is less diversified because of an over-allocation to large cap securities, a Client may experience more market volatility in their Portfolio than in a Portfolio that is more diversified among different asset classes. 

You can also decline the Proposed Portfolio and select another portfolio offered by Beanstox (a “Selected Portfolio”) within the IRA and Wealth Builder Product. By declining the Proposed Portfolio, (i) Clients have determined that the Selected Portfolio is appropriate for their investment goals, risk tolerance and other personal conditions, and (ii) they assume the risk that the Selected Portfolio may perform worse than the Proposed Portfolio and are responsible for such outcome. 

In order to begin the investment process, Client must approve the Proposed Portfolio or the Selected Portfolio (the “Approved Portfolio” and, collectively with the Model Portfolios, the Proposed Portfolios, and the Selected Portfolio, the “Portfolios”). The Approved Portfolio establishes the target investment allocations. Beanstox will not accept Client’s legacy investments from another investment account. You are not obligated to approve the Approved Portfolio in its entirety to be your Approved Portfolio. However, except as noted below, Client can approve or refuse a Proposed Portfolio or chose a Selected Portfolio and can only make one modification to an Approved Portfolio. To make other adjustments to a Proposed Portfolio, using the App, Client can revise the Client Information, including responses regarding financial profile and investment goals and risk tolerance. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the approval of the Approved Portfolio. Beanstox shall not have authority or discretion to approve any Approved Portfolio for you. You further acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review and carefully consider the information available on the App about the Approved Portfolio, and the constituent ETFs, before approving your Proposed Portfolio or Selected Portfolio. 

You acknowledge and agree that: 

  • The IRA and Wealth Builder Products are designed for investments in ETFs allocated so that the resulting holdings tend to replicate the Approved Portfolio over time; and 

  • Beanstox designed the selection and relative weighting of the ETFs in each of the Model Portfolios to pursue specific investment objectives, including diversification. 

Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may exclude from your Approved Portfolio any one of the ETFs that otherwise comprise your Approved Portfolio if, after carefully reviewing and analyzing all pertinent information available on the App about your Approved Portfolio, you conclude that you do not want to own any one of the ETFs in the Approved Portfolio. You may request to exclude from your Approved Portfolio an ETF at any time by emailing You shall have the ability to exclude only one ETF from your Approved Portfolio at any time. If you exclude an ETF from your Approved Portfolio, the remaining ETFs in your Approved Portfolio will be allocated relative to each other in the same proportions that they are allocated relative to each other in the Approved Portfolio. You may not exclude more than one ETF in an Approved Portfolio. You acknowledge that excluding an ETF from your Approved Portfolio may adversely impact its performance. By excluding an ETF, you acknowledge and agree, without limiting any other provision of this Advisory Agreement, that: 

  • you assume the risk that your resulting Approved Portfolio may perform worse for you over any time period than the original Proposed or Selected Portfolio, or any of the other Model Portfolios on which your original or resulting Proposed or Selected Portfolio is based, or any other investment; 

  • your resulting Approved Portfolio may not be suitable with respect to your investment goals, risk tolerance, age, financial condition, or other facts or circumstances that apply to you; 

  • Beanstox shall not be liable for any losses or other damages resulting from your exclusion of any ETF from your resulting Approved Portfolio; and 

  • there is no guarantee, representation, warranty, or covenant that the resulting Approved Portfolio will perform better over any time period than any other Portfolio or any other investment. 

While Personalized ETF Portfolios are designed so that trading in your Account over time causes the holdings to replicate your Approved Portfolio, you agree that there is no guarantee, representation, warranty, or covenant that the holdings in your Personalized ETF Portfolios will match the allocations of your Approved Portfolio. You acknowledge that various factors (including the timing and frequency of deposits and withdrawals from your Personalized ETF Portfolio Account, market volatility and disruptions, the timing and frequency of changes to your Approved Portfolio, access interruptions, and hardware or software failures) can impact the extent to which holdings in your Personalized ETF Portfolio Account will replicate your Approved Portfolio at any particular point in time. 

Once you approve a Proposed or Selected Portfolio, your Personalized ETF Portfolio Account will be invested in the underlying securities (i.e. ETFs) that are the same as, or are similar to, the allocations of your Approved Portfolio. 

The Approved Portfolio will be implemented almost entirely using ETFs. From time to time, some or all of the Personalized ETF Portfolio Account’s portfolio can be in cash under certain circumstances, including when cash distributions or additional deposits are credited to the Personalized ETF Portfolio Account pending investment, or when a Personalized ETF Portfolio Account is liquidated and cash is deposited in the Personalized ETF Portfolio Account. The Approved Portfolio’s allocations will be adjusted periodically using cash inflows from dividends and additional Client funding, and may also be adjusted if the Approved Portfolio’s underlying asset allocations deviate by more than 20% from target allocations. As a result, Beanstox may sell over concentrated ETFs or buy under concentrated ETFs to bring Approved Portfolios in line with the target allocations. Beanstox does so on a best efforts basis and does not take into account individual tax, market or legal circumstances. Clients must consult with a tax or legal professional for such information. Beanstox utilizes its best efforts to seek to maintain the Client’s Approved Portfolio allocations through market fluctuations, withdrawals, deposits, and other events that may cause deviations. 

Proposed Portfolios and Selected Portfolios are derived from the Model Portfolios. Beanstox may enhance or update the Model Portfolios from time to time, therefore impacting Proposed Portfolios and Selected Portfolios and Approved Portfolios. Accordingly,

  • you agree that Beanstox may, in its sole discretion, modify from time to time the number of Model Portfolios that it deems appropriate, in its sole discretion, to address the investment goals, time horizons, and risk tolerances associated with categories of clients; and 

  • you agree that Beanstox may, in its sole discretion, modify from time to time the selection of the ETFs that comprise each of the Model Portfolios and the relative weightings of the ETFs within each of the Model Portfolios. 

All information and communications with Client regarding the Portfolios are available on the App. 

Stocks 500 

Stocks 500 is available to Clients at no fee. Please refer to the Program Fees section in this Agreement for additional information relating to Subscription Fees. Stocks 500 is a non-discretionary product which allows you to invest in one or more ETFs available on the App which aim to track the S&P 500 Index’s performance. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors (please refer to the Risk Considerations below). Once your Stocks 500 Account is opened, Client appoints Beanstox to manage your Stocks 500 Account on a non-discretionary basis and you may direct Beanstox to place your non-discretionary order (a “Self-Directed Order”) for the Stocks 500 ETF(s) available on the App with the Carrying Broker (defined below). Beanstox does not act as a broker – see Trade Execution, Account Maintenance and Asset Custody below for a description of brokerage services. Client grants Beanstox limited discretion, with Beanstox exercising discretion over the specifics of the transaction, including the time, price, number of shares, and units or dollar amounts in the transaction. The Client retains general investment discretion over other matters, including the ultimate decision to invest in a Stocks 500 ETF. Beanstox reserves the right to decline any requested Self-Directed Order in its sole discretion. Client is solely responsible for any Self-Directed Orders placed through your Stocks 500 Account, and you understand that all Self-Directed Orders you submit using your Stocks 500 Account are based on your investment decisions. The resulting investment is referred to as an Approved Portfolio. You are responsible for the suitability of any investments or investment decisions you make in your Stocks 500 Account, and Beanstox’s placement of Self-Directed Orders at your direction does not signify any view or judgment on the part of Beanstox that the investments or investment decisions are suitable for you or consistent with how Beanstox manages your Beanstox discretionary Accounts, if any. Beanstox will not be liable for any losses or other damages resulting from your choice of investments in your Stocks 500 Account. Federal and state securities laws impose liabilities under certain circumstances on persons who act in good faith and therefore nothing herein shall in any way constitute a waiver or limitation of any rights which Client may have under federal or state securities laws. 

Power Savings 

Power Savings is available to Clients at no fee. Please refer to the Program Fees section in this Agreement for additional information relating to Subscription Fees. Power Savings is a non-discretionary product which allows you to invest in T-Bills through one or more ETFs available on the App which aim to generate a higher return than most traditional savings accounts. There are no assurances that higher returns will be sustainable in the future. Investing in T- Bills ETFs is different from having cash in a traditional bank savings account. There is no FDIC Insurance, no Bank Guarantee, and the investment may lose value (please refer to the Risk Considerations section). Once your Power Savings Account is opened, Client appoints Beanstox to manage the Power Savings Account on a non-discretionary basis and may direct Beanstox to place your Self-Directed Order for the Power Savings ETF(s) available on the App with the Carrying Broker. Beanstox does not act as a broker – see Trade Execution, Account Maintenance and Asset Custody below for a description of brokerage services. Client grants Beanstox limited discretion, with Beanstox exercising discretion over the specifics of the transaction, including the time, price, number of shares, and units or dollar amounts in the transaction. The Client retains general investment discretion over other matters, including the ultimate decision to invest in a Power Savings ETF. Beanstox reserves the right to decline any requested Self-Directed Order in its sole discretion. Client is solely responsible for any Self-Directed Orders placed through your Power Savings Account, and you understand that all Self-Directed Orders you submit using your Power Savings Account are based on your investment decisions. The resulting investment is referred to as an Approved Portfolio. You are responsible for the suitability of any investments or investment decisions you make in your Power Savings Account, and Beanstox’s placement of Self-Directed Orders at your direction does not signify any view or judgment on the part of Beanstox that the investments or investment decisions are suitable for you or consistent with how Beanstox manages your Beanstox discretionary Accounts, if any. Beanstox will not be liable for any losses or other damages resulting from your choice of investments in your Power Savings Account. Federal and state securities laws impose liabilities under certain circumstances on persons who act in good faith and therefore nothing herein shall in any way constitute a waiver or limitation of any rights which Client may have under federal or state securities laws. 

An investment in any financial instrument involves risks. While short-term U.S. Treasury securities such as T-Bills are considered safer than many other financial instruments, you could, as with any investment, lose all or part of your investment in your Account. Your investments are subject to certain risks, including the risks noted above and below, any one or more of which may adversely affect the value of your portfolio, yield, or the total performance of your portfolio. T-Bills may underperform in comparison to the general financial markets, a particular financial market, or other asset classes. The T-Bills held in your portfolio may be susceptible to an increased risk of loss, including losses due to adverse events that affect your investments more than the market as a whole, as your investments are not diversified and are concentrated wholly in T-Bills. 


You authorize Beanstox to conduct from time-to-time rebalancing of ETF holdings in your Accounts (each a “Rebalancing”). Client understands and agrees that such transactions may affect the market value of the Accounts and may also have tax consequences. 

When an Account holds more than one ETF security, Beanstox typically will periodically rebalance the underlying ETF allocations. Rebalancing can be initiated for many reasons, including, without limitations, as a result of cash inflows and withdrawals from Client’s Accounts, or in the event an Approved Portfolio’s underlying ETFs allocations deviate (generally by more than 20% from target allocations), and cash flows are not sufficient to enable Beanstox to reduce this portfolio drift. Beanstox works with the Carrying Broker to assess the purchases and sales for each Rebalancing based on automated analysis of your Account holdings relative to your Portfolio. You agree that Beanstox may modify at any time the manner in which, or the frequency with which, Rebalancing occurs. You acknowledge that changes, particularly volatile changes, in the market price of the ETFs in your Approved Portfolio relative to each other may prevent Rebalancing from successfully making your Account holdings more closely approximate your Approved Portfolio. Beanstox utilizes its best efforts to seek to maintain the Client’s Approved Portfolio allocations through market fluctuations, withdrawals, deposits and other events that may cause deviations. 


Client appoints Beanstox to manage the Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts on a discretionary basis and the Stocks 500 and Power Savings Accounts on a non-discretionary basis and act as Client’s attorney-in-fact with limited power and authority for Client and on Client’s behalf to buy, sell, and otherwise effect investment transactions in the name of the Accounts in accordance with the terms of the Advisory Agreement. Beanstox shall manage the Accounts by issuing Orders (as defined below) to the Carrying Broker to cause the Accounts to purchase and sell securities pursuant to the terms of the Advisory Agreement. 


Once an Approved Portfolio or non-discretionary Account is in place, and the Client’s Account is funded, appropriate Orders (defined below) are created with the Broker-Dealer selected by Beanstox to execute the related transactions. 

Client agrees to delegate to Beanstox the selection of service providers for brokerage and custody services. Beanstox has entered into an agreement with the Carrying Broker, DriveWealth, LLC, to provide and/or arrange broker-dealer and custodial services for Beanstox Accounts. As part of the Account opening process, Client will enter into a separate brokerage agreement with the Carrying Broker (the “Brokerage Agreement”) electronically as part of the Beanstox Account opening process. A detailed description of fees of, and services provided and/or arranged by, the Carrying Broker are set out in the Brokerage Agreement. 

Client agrees to authorize brokerage orders in the Accounts (“Orders”) to be created with the Carrying Broker. Beanstox does not receive payment for order flow related to these Orders. The Carrying Broker is ultimately responsible for trade confirmations and Client statements. 

Investments will be denominated primarily in U.S. dollars for simplicity and ease of understanding by Clients. 

Beanstox will generally aim for all Orders to be initiated in a timely manner, however Clients should be aware that at times the execution of Orders may be delayed either due to market conditions or to permit bundling of trades in order to achieve scale and cost efficiencies. Under these instances, Beanstox reserves the right to delay trade executions at its discretion. 

By entering into the Agreements and participating in the Program, you authorize and instruct Beanstox to use the Carrying Broker to maintain your Accounts and to handle Orders. You acknowledge and agree that the Carrying Broker may combine Orders for purchases or sales in your Accounts with Orders for purchases or sales of holdings in other Accounts in the Program for aggregate transactions for each applicable holding in the Approved Portfolio. 

Although Beanstox may arrange for with the Carrying Broker, Beanstox shall have limited authority to initiate any other withdrawals or otherwise to transfer any holdings or cash out of your Account (including, without limitation, to liquidate an Account that does not meet the investment minimum, an Account that appears to involve fraud or money laundering, or an Account that reflects unresolved and insufficient funds transfers) other than for fee or expense deductions pursuant to this Advisory Agreement. 


Client understands that the Carrying Broker generally does not execute Orders for the execution of transactions in the Account outside of regular trading hours and any Orders initiated in response to allocation changes or Client deposits or withdrawals received outside of trading hours generally will not be placed before 10:00 AM on the next business day. Orders associated with deposit and withdrawal requests are generally implemented with trades usually executed at or around 10:00 am, once a day, on business days. Client understands and agrees that neither Beanstox nor the Carrying Broker shall be held responsible for any losses or other consequences that result from Beanstox’s or the Carrying Broker’s timing of, or other determinations for, placing or executing Orders.


Beanstox enables cost-effective money transfers by Client via Automatic Clearing House (“ACH”) deposits and withdrawals from the bank accounts selected by Client. 

When Client opens an Account, Client designates a Client bank account in the App (the “Linked Bank Account”) to link deposits and withdrawals to or from an Account. Only one bank account can be linked at a time no matter how many Beanstox Accounts are opened by the Client. To establish or change the Linked Bank Account, Client will comply with applicable procedures within the App. For added security Beanstox may place reasonable restrictions on the frequency with which Client changes the Linked Bank Account. Currently, Clients will not be able to change their Linked Bank Account within 30 days of linking a bank account. Other restrictions may apply if fraud or other potential anti-money laundering concerns are raised. When linking your Linked Bank Account to your Account, you will be using Plaid, a third-party service provider specializing in accessing and providing bank account information. You expressly grant to Beanstox the right, power, and authority to (acting on your behalf) transmit your personal and financial information (such as from your third-party bank) as reasonably necessary for Plaid to provide services to you, including verifying your identity. By using Plaid, you expressly authorize Beanstox and the Carrying Broker to retrieve your Linked Bank Account information, including the related routing numbers, as well as your current Linked Bank Account balance and certain transaction history (“Account Information”) via Plaid. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker will not store your username and password for your Linked Bank Account. When you use Plaid when signing up for a Beanstox Account, you acknowledge and agree that the information you provide to Plaid through Beanstox will be treated by Plaid in accordance with their privacy policy (located at, and by Beanstox and the Carrying Broker in accordance with their respective privacy policy. By using Plaid through Beanstox, you agree to the above terms and further agree to hold Beanstox and the Carrying Broker harmless from losses of any kind that may result from Plaid’s use, misuse, or loss of your Client Information and Account information. 


At any time, Client may enter instructions with Beanstox to make cash deposits or withdrawals to or from any Account from or to the Linked Bank Account by taking appropriate action via the App. Client understands and agrees that the deposits and withdrawals to or from the Account will be conducted in cash via ACH transactions. Client understands and agrees that ACH transactions are subject to processing and clearing delays which may last up to five business days or longer and cash transferred may not be credited to the Account or the Linked Bank Account, as applicable, or invested, or otherwise available to Client during processing and clearing. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker, in their sole discretion, may impose a longer waiting period during which cash may not be available for trading or withdrawal. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker may, in their sole discretion, permit the transfer of cash into or out of the Account in other forms or via alternative means. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker reserve the right, in their sole discretion and without advance notice, to refuse certain types of additions of cash to the Account. Client deposits must remain in a Client’s Account for a minimum of five (5) business days after the funds clear prior to being available to be withdrawn. Other restrictions may apply if fraud or other potential anti-money laundering concerns are raised. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker reserve the right to require that Client make requests for withdrawals from the Account in writing. Client may alternatively request transfer of holdings to a different Account with Beanstox or to a broker-dealer other than the Carrying Broker by submitting a request to Beanstox and the Carrying Broker in a form determined by the Carrying Broker. Certain holdings held in the Account may not be accepted by another broker-dealer. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker may determine to cancel this Advisory Agreement and the Brokerage Agreement as a result of a request to transfer holdings to another broker-dealer. Client understands that such transfer of holdings may result in additional charges to the Client. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker reserve the right to refuse to transfer holdings to another broker dealer account for any reason. Client understands that the holdings in the Account would have to be liquidated which may entail tax consequences for the Client. 

Some of your investments may be made in fractional shares. If your Account is closed for any reason and you are permitted to transfer your securities to another firm based on your agreement with the Carrying Broker, the fractional shares held in your Account will need to be liquidated. Liquidation of fractional shares may result in additional charges. 

The termination of the Carrying Broker relationship may automatically terminate this Advisory Agreement. 

Client may enter instructions with Beanstox to withdraw cash at any time up to the current market value of the Account as of the time of sale of securities (which may differ from the time the withdrawal request is made by Client), excluding fees or expenses that are due or will be due as a result of such withdrawal (see Program Fees below). It is Client’s responsibility to ensure that instructions are accurate before requesting that Beanstox or the Carrying Broker initiate and execute ACH disbursements. Beanstox or the Carrying Broker may in their discretion attempt to abide by a subsequent request to modify instructions but are not obligated to do so. Client agrees to indemnify and hold Beanstox, the Carrying Broker, and their respective affiliates, harmless from any losses arising out of, or relating to, an attempt to amend or cancel a withdrawal request. Client understands that any erroneous, mismatched, or incomplete identifying information on an incoming ACH transfer may result in such ACH transfer being rejected, lost, posted to an incorrect account, or returned to the originating bank without notice to Client, and Client agrees to indemnify and hold Beanstox, the Carrying Broker, and their respective affiliates harmless from any losses arising out of, or relating to, any erroneous, mismatched, or incomplete identifying information on an incoming ACH transfer. 


Clients are strongly encouraged to conduct their own analysis and to consider their own individual circumstances, investment goals, risk tolerance and needs prior to investing in an Account. The fact that a Proposed Portfolio is recommended by Beanstox, or a Selected Portfolio is offered by Beanstox within a Personalized ETF Portfolio Account or Client selects ETFs for non-discretionary Accounts cannot be interpreted as a guarantee of future performance. Beanstox cannot assure Clients that they can achieve their investment goals, their investment strategies will prove successful or that Clients will not lose all or part of their investment. 

For Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts, the ETFs comprising Model Portfolios may change from time to time due to market conditions and other reasons, in which case Beanstox may divest Clients of some ETFs in a Personalized ETF Portfolio Approved Portfolio and reinvest using the new ETFs which were selected as replacements. For Power Savings and Stocks 500 Approved Portfolios, Beanstox may replace the ETFs in those Portfolios with new Power Savings and Stocks 500 ETFs which were selected as replacements. Beanstox Client acknowledges and understands that investing in securities involves risk and there is always a possibility of financial loss that can be caused by various factors, including changes in economic and market conditions. Beanstox does not guarantee that Client will avoid loss in the value of the investments nor guarantee any level of investment income or performance. 

You understand and agree that: 

  • the Portfolios are subject to the investment risks described in this Advisory Agreement and elsewhere in the Program; 

  • any projected returns associated with any Portfolio may not materialize; 

  • investments are not guaranteed by the FDIC, any bank, or any government; and 

  • asset in concentrated Portfolios may lose significant value if the assets held in the Portfolios experience a sharp decline. 

For the Personalized ETF Portfolio Accounts, Beanstox uses a proprietary algorithm to recommend to Clients for review and approval a Proposed Portfolio derived from the various Model Portfolios in reliance on the Client Information. The algorithm was developed in conjunction with a third-party service provider. The algorithm generates Proposed Portfolios based on the Client Information. Selected Portfolios are not based on the Client Information. While Beanstox periodically reviews the underlying investments included in the Model Portfolios, Stocks 500 and Power Savings Portfolios, Clients will generally not interact directly with Beanstox’s investment advisory personnel. The algorithm may not address prolonged changes in market conditions. Under certain circumstances, Beanstox might override the algorithm, including to halt trading or take other temporary defensive measures in stressed market conditions. Changes in the algorithm may have a material impact on Client Accounts. Any Proposed Portfolio that focuses on your investment time horizon and risk tolerance may not take into consideration other personal factors and information in making recommendations. If you consider that there is additional information relating to your investment goals and financial circumstances that should be considered to inform investment advice the Program provides, this may not be the appropriate Program for you. 


You authorize Beanstox to arrange for reinvestments of dividends and interest income (“Reinvestments”) on your behalf. Generally, Reinvestments will be reinvested in ETFs on the next business day following settlement of the Reinvestment. Rebalancing will generally be done by the Carrying Broker to approximate your Approved Portfolio when investing a Reinvestment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any of the Agreements or elsewhere, you agree that Beanstox shall be under no duty to conduct, and makes no guarantee that it will conduct, any Rebalancing or Reinvestment at any particular time or a purchase or sale for Rebalancing of any ETF shares in any particular amount. 


We will use our good faith judgment and efforts in providing services to you pursuant to this Agreement. Certain inherent risks and potential losses are always present when investing. If losses do occur, we, our affiliates and our respective employees and agents will not be liable for: 

  • losses or expense arising out of, or attributable to: o your direction in connection with your Account, 

    o your omission or misstatement of information, including Client Information, furnished to us, 

    o changes in market conditions; and 

    o any written materials not prepared or overseen by us. 

  • any act or failure to act by us, our affiliates and our respective employees and agents that does not constitute negligence, misconduct or violation of law. These limitations do not constitute a waiver or limitation of any rights accorded to you under state or federal laws for advisory services rendered under this Agreement. See Limitations below. 


You acknowledge and agree that Beanstox will not provide investment advice other than the investment advice described in this Advisory Agreement and will not provide to you investment advice separate from the Program. You agree that Beanstox will provide to you investment advice and deliver the Program solely electronically in accordance with the terms of this Advisory Agreement. You acknowledge that Beanstox will not provide to you investment advice in person, over the phone, or in any other form other than information available through the Program. You acknowledge that you will not be entitled to or able to transact securities in your Account, or hold securities in your Account other than via the Orders placed by Beanstox with respect to the Approved Portfolio allocations of ETFs selected by Beanstox to comprise the Portfolios for the Program. 

Any publication, images, return figures or information available through Beanstox’s Website or the App are intended for informational and educational purposes only. They are not recommendations to enter into any specific securities transactions or to engage in any specific investment strategies in connection with your Beanstox Accounts. 


The Program is not being offered to, and is generally not available to, anyone residing outside the 50 U.S. states, including U.S. citizens residing or working abroad. Beanstox makes no representation or warranty regarding its compliance with local laws in foreign jurisdictions, or regarding the appropriateness of the Platform's content and the Program, or its compliance with such local laws. Client agrees to terminate this Advisory Agreement upon a change in residency that would make client ineligible to receive the advisory services provided under the Program. The Program is not offered to non-resident aliens who require a Form W-8 for tax-withholding. Client’s inability to access the Platform in certain foreign countries could result in Client’s inability to access the services provided through the Program, the Accounts, or to provide information and preferences regarding the Accounts. Client agrees to indemnify and hold Beanstox, the Carrying Broker, and their respective affiliates harmless from and against any and all losses arising out of, relating to, or incurred as a result of, the unavailability of the Platform from foreign countries. 


Client understands and agrees that the primary method of Beanstox’s communications with Client in connection with the Program will be by posting or updating information on the Platform and, to the extent required by law, sending Client a notice that directs Client to the Platform from which the information can be read and printed. Client understands that Beanstox reserves the right, however, to post Account related communications on the Platform without providing notice to Client, send Account related communications to Client’s postal or e-mail address of record, or to another method of communication provided by Client. Client agrees to check the Platform regularly for information. Client agrees that all Account related communications provided to Client in any of the ways described above will be deemed to have been a good and effective delivery to Client when sent or posted by Beanstox or its affiliates, regardless of whether Client actually or timely receives or accesses the Account related communications.

Two Factor Authentication: Beanstox may send Client important security notifications via SMS to the phone number linked to Client’s Beanstox Account, including when the following are requested: change of email address; change of linked bank account; withdrawal of funds. Client cannot opt out of these administrative security notifications. 


Client understands that neither Beanstox nor the Carrying Broker guarantee that access to the Platform and Account management via the App will be available all the time. Beanstox and the Carrying Broker reserve the right to suspend access to the Program without prior notice for scheduled or unscheduled system repairs or upgrades. Further, access to the Platform, and the Accounts, may be limited or unavailable due to, among other things: market volatility, peak demand, systems upgrades, maintenance, any kind of interruption of the services provided by Beanstox’s and the Carrying Broker’s ability to communicate with the Carrying Broker, hardware or software malfunction or failure, internet service failure or unavailability, the actions of any governmental, judicial, or regulatory body, and force majeure. Client agrees that neither Beanstox nor the Carrying Broker will be liable to Client for any losses incurred by Client (including, but not limited to, lost profits, trading losses, and similar damages) resulting from such access limitations or unavailability. 


Client understands and agrees that Client is responsible for all losses arising from or related to the Accounts. Except for negligence or malfeasance or violation of applicable law, Client agrees that Beanstox and the Carrying Broker, and their respective affiliates, officers and employees, shall not be liable hereunder for any action performed or omitted to be performed or for any errors of judgment in managing the Accounts. Federal and state securities laws impose liabilities under certain circumstances on persons who act in good faith and therefore nothing herein shall in any way constitute a waiver or limitation of any rights which Client may have under federal or state securities laws. In addition, it is possible that Client or Beanstox itself may experience computer equipment failure, loss of internet access, viruses, or other events that may impair access to Beanstox’s software-based financial advisory service. Beanstox and its representatives are not responsible to any Client for losses unless caused by Beanstox breaching its fiduciary duty. 


Beanstox currently offers three different investment plans and charges the following subscription fees (the “Subscription Fee/s”) for each plan.

Included in the Beanstox Plus monthly Subscription Fee is a $0.10 fee for Advisory Services (the “Advisory Fee”) and $4.90 for access to a Wealth Builder account, additional educational content and additional non-advisory services provided by Beanstox (“Beanstox Plus Fee”). The first monthly Subscription Fee payment covers additional on-boarding expenses incurred by Beanstox for new and current Clients and is not refundable. This is waived for Beanstox Simple Clients. Subscription Fees are subject to change upon notice to Clients. Beanstox may apply reduced Subscription Fees, including in connection with promotional programs, in its sole discretion. Advisory Fees are not charged for accounts with a $0.00 balance in which case the $0.10 portion of the Subscription Fee for Beanstox Plus Advisory Services will be deemed to be part of the Beanstox Plus Fee. 

Included in the Beanstox Premium monthly Subscription Fee is a $0.10 fee for Advisory Services (the “Advisory Fee”) and $9.90 for access to a Wealth Builder account and IRA accounts, additional educational content and additional non-advisory services provided by Beanstox (“Beanstox Premium Fee”). The first monthly Subscription Fee payment covers additional on-boarding expenses incurred by Beanstox for new and current Clients and is not refundable. This is waived for Beanstox Simple Clients. Subscription Fees are subject to change upon notice to Clients. Beanstox may apply reduced Subscription Fees, including in connection with promotional programs, in its sole discretion. Advisory Fees are not charged for accounts with a $0.00 balance in which case the $0.10 portion of the Subscription Fee for Beanstox Premium Advisory Services will be deemed to be part of the Beanstox Premium Fee. 

You agree to pay the Subscription Fee in accordance with the Advisory Agreement. You acknowledge that the Subscription Fee may change from time to time and updated information on the Subscription Fee will be available on the Platform. Depending on numerous factors, including the volume and type of trading in a Client’s Account and the aggregate cost of custodial, trade execution, advisory, and other services that are provided to Clients, the Subscription Fee may cost more or less money than if the Client were to purchase such services separately away from Beanstox. You acknowledge that the Subscription Fee is a fixed fee based on the Plan for which you are enrolled and, depending on your circumstances, may be disproportionately high relative to the assets in your Account, and that the Subscription Fee is reasonable for the services you receive regardless of the assets in your Account. 

The Subscription Fee will be charged monthly in advance commencing on the date of the related Account opening and thereafter upon each monthly anniversary of the Account opening. Beanstox will arrange for the automatic debit of applicable fees from the Client’s Linked Bank Account for the Subscription fee. 

Clients will not be charged additional fees by Beanstox for costs associated with Advisory Services, including custody, account maintenance and trade execution commissions (except for those fees related to foreign exchange or third-party asset fees). For all Beanstox Plans and Accounts, Clients who request non transactional special or additional services may be charged for such services, including, without limitation, a $0.25 processing charge when they withdraw funds from their Accounts, which may be subtracted from the total withdrawal amount. Clients may also be charged additional fees for reimbursement of non advisory expenses such as insufficient funds charges. 

Although the fees are not negotiable, Beanstox may, at its sole discretion, waive a portion of its fees or offer fees to some Accounts that differ from the standard fee schedules referenced above. 

A detailed description of fees can be found on the App and on our Website at


Beanstox expects from time to time to run promotional, referral and other marketing campaigns to measure interest and to attract clients to open Accounts on the App. These campaigns may provide compensation to Clients, marketers, promoters and other partners (each a “Promoter”). These promotions may include, but are not limited to, referral programs pursuant to which Clients, or third parties, invite non-Clients to open an account with Beanstox. These promotions may also include additional Account services or products offered on a limited basis to select Clients, different fee arrangement structures, which could include more favorable fee arrangements, cash compensation, and reduced or waived Subscription Fees for Clients. These arrangements may create an incentive for a third party or existing Client to refer prospective Clients to Beanstox, even if the third party would otherwise not make the referral. These arrangements also could create a conflict of interest for a Client to maintain a certain level of assets managed through Beanstox if doing so would result in eligibility to receive an incentive, bonus, or additional compensation in return for identifying, recommending, or referring non-Clients to Beanstox. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of any promotion, referral or contest program on Beanstox’s website for additional information. Compensation to Clients for such referrals, marketing and contests could be up to $1,000 per 12-month periods. Compensation to a non-Client Promoter paid per advertisement or per other marketing effort that refers you to Beanstox may be higher and will be subject to a separate written agreement with each Promoter. Clients will not be charged any costs or fees for being referred by a Promoter. If you are in doubt as to whether you were directed to Beanstox via a Promoter and believe it material to your decision to open an Account, please contact before signing up for an Account. Beanstox reserves the right to restrict, extend, revoke, or amend these program offers at any time without notice to the Client. 


PREAUTHORIZATION OF MONTHLY ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER FROM YOUR LINKED BANK ACCOUNT: By clicking “I agree” to enter into this Advisory Agreement, you authorize Beanstox, the Carrying Broker and any of their agents, for the entire period during which your Account is subject to Subscription Fees under this Advisory Agreement, to process a recurring ACH debit from your Linked Bank Account. Any ACH debit you preauthorize per the preceding sentence will result in an electronic funds transfer from your Linked Bank Account to Beanstox or the Carrying Broker to pay the Subscription Fee. Beanstox, the Carrying Broker, or any of their respective agents, may charge a fee if your ACH debit fails due to insufficient funds in your Linked Bank Account. You further authorize Beanstox to instruct the Carrying Broker to sell, as necessary, securities in your Account and to transfer money out of your Account to pay Beanstox Subscription Fees and, if any, other fees and expenses due under this Advisory Agreement. The securities sales you authorize in the preceding sentence include, without limitation, sales to pay: (i) any Subscription Fees if your Linked Bank Account is closed or disconnected from your Account; (ii) any Subscription Fees if the preauthorized recurring monthly ACH debit you authorized above is rejected in any month due to insufficient funds; and (iii) any fees other than the Subscription Fee, including non transactional fees, that may apply to your Account under the Advisory Agreement. 


All fees paid to Beanstox for investment advisory services are separate and distinct from, and in addition to, the fees and expenses charged by ETFs to their shareholders. These fees and expenses are described in the prospectus of each ETF. These fees are generally composed of a management fee and other fund expenses. Beanstox does not earn or receive a portion of such fees. Although Beanstox reserves the right to waive or reduce any Subscription Fees at its sole discretion, Beanstox cannot waive fees associated with ETF fees.


Various features of the Program are offered or processed through service providers, which may be unaffiliated companies, or affiliates of Beanstox. Unless otherwise noted, all authority granted to or limitations of liability of Beanstox shall include its agents and representatives and any service provider, Client authorizes Beanstox and its agents and its affiliates acting on behalf of Beanstox under this Advisory Agreement to perform the services contemplated by this Advisory Agreement. 


You acknowledge receipt of the Privacy Policy, which Beanstox may amend from time to time by posting updated versions on the Platform. You consent to Beanstox recording your telephone calls and your electronic communications with representatives and affiliated persons of Beanstox without further notice. You expressly authorize Beanstox representatives or associated persons to contact you for purposes of evaluating and offering the Program, and other products and services by calling, writing, or emailing at the telephone number(s), mailing address, and/or email address(es) you provide in connection with your Account, including any additional or updated telephone numbers, mailing addresses, or email addresses. The authorization in the preceding sentence will remain in effect unless and until you specifically revoke it by notifying Beanstox at 


Beanstox shall not assign its rights or obligations under this Advisory Agreement or the Program without your consent, provided however that you will be deemed to have consented to an assignment if you do not object to such assignment within 60 calendar days of being notified through the Platform or by email of any intent of Beanstox to assign such rights or obligations. 


This Agreement and any action related thereto will be governed by the laws of the State of Delaware without regard to its conflict of laws provisions. 




In the event of a dispute relating to these terms and conditions of the Beanstox Agreements, arbitration shall be conducted by and submitted to a single arbitrator (“Arbitrator”) pursuant to current JAMS Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures where appropriate. The Arbitrator’s award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The Arbitrator shall be authorized to award compensatory damages but shall NOT be authorized to award non-economic damages such as for emotional distress or suffering or punitive or indirect, incidental or consequential damages. Each party is responsible for their attorneys’ costs arising out of the arbitration and shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the Arbitrator and JAMS. The Arbitrator shall issue a written statement of the decision describing the factual findings and conclusions on which the award is based, including the calculation of any damages awarded. 


You agree that any arbitration or proceeding shall be limited to the dispute between Beanstox and you individually. To the full extent permitted by law, 1) no arbitration or proceeding shall be joined with any other, 2) there is no right or authority for any dispute to be arbitrated or resolved on a class action-basis or to use class action procedures, and 3) there is no right or authority for any dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons. You agree that you may bring claims against Beanstox only in your individual capacity and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. 


Beanstox or individuals associated with Beanstox (“Related Persons”) may buy or sell for their personal accounts securities identical to or different than those recommended to Clients. In addition, Related Persons may have an interest or position in certain securities which may also be part of Portfolios. It is the express policy of Beanstox that no person employed by Beanstox may use information obtained during the course of their work to purchase or sell any security prior to any pending transaction(s) being executed for a Client’s account. This policy is intended to prevent employees from benefiting from transactions placed on behalf of Client Accounts. Related Persons are prohibited from trading in their personal account, or recommending trading in, any securities while in possession of material, non public information about such securities or their issuer, and from disclosing such information to any person not entitled to receive it. 


Beanstox’s App investment tools are intended for Clients’ use in order for Clients to review their Accounts and better understand their holdings and investment performance. Generally, Beanstox personnel oversee the implementation of, and modifications to, the algorithm but do not monitor individual Client Accounts. There may be circumstances when certain investment activity and Account settings will trigger individual review of certain Client Accounts. 

Clients are directed to update their Client Information on the App whenever information about their goals, financial situation or other information that could bear on how their Account is managed changes in a meaningful way. We would expect that Clients review their Client Information at least annually for this purpose. As part of this update, Clients should review and carefully consider the information available on the App about their Approved Portfolios and their constituents ETFs. 


The Advisory Agreement may be canceled at any time, by either party, for any reason, upon notice in accordance with the terms of the Advisory Agreement. Upon termination of the Advisory Agreement, any unpaid fees earned by Beanstox will be due and payable. The last monthly Subscription fee paid in advance by the Client will not be prorated upon termination. The Client has the right to terminate the Advisory Agreement without penalty within five business days after entering into the Advisory Agreement; provided, however, that the first monthly fee payment covers additional on-boarding expenses incurred by Beanstox for new clients and is not refundable. 


Beanstox does not accept authority to vote any share of Client securities. Accordingly, Client is responsible for voting all proxies relating to the securities in your Accounts, as applicable. Currently, investors in ETFs cannot vote on the underlying securities that comprise an ETF. Relevant information regarding the proxy voting items themselves is provided by a DriveWealth third-party vendor. 


Beanstox does not purport to provide any tax advice to Client. Client should seek the advice of a third-party qualified tax advisor in connection with the Account to discuss tax-related concerns.


Beanstox shall not have any duty or obligation to advise or take any action on behalf of Client in any legal proceedings, including bankruptcies or class actions, involving securities held in, or formerly held in, the Account. 


All Beanstox services, policies, agreements and terms of use may be revised and updated periodically, in which case related information and Agreements will be updated and made available on the Platform to reflect any material changes. 


Unless indicated differently, data is as of 06/30/2024.


1. Pricing: Free with Beanstox Simple. Learn About Pricing.

2. Power Savings: As of June 30, 2024, traditional US Savings Account Rate: 0.45% (YCharts); T-Bill yield: 5.20% (YCharts); 5% based on the 30-day SEC yield of the Beanstox short-duration bond portfolio ETF constituents; the 30-day SEC yield is a standard metric defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and reflects the dividends and interest earned during the period after the deduction of the ETF’s expenses. There are no assurances that this yield will be sustainable in the future. This product invests in one or more ETFs. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors. T-Bill yield as of 06/30/2024 is 5.20%. Source YCharts.

3. Stocks 500: Where applicable, as of June 30, 2024, S&P 500 return assumes an initial $1,000 investment, 40-year annualized return of 11% (Source: Bloomberg Finance LP). It is not possible to invest directly in an index. This product invests in an ETF aiming to track the S&P 500’s performance. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors. Returns before ETF fees. Diversification is not a guarantee of profit or protection against loss.

4. Wealth Builder: Saving $400/month over 40 years, but not investing and assuming no interest accrual, would accumulate $192,000; however, investing the same $400/month, could add up to over $1million over the same period of time. This projection illustrates a hypothetical example of compounding over time, based on an investment of $400 per month for 40 years with an assumed annualized returns of 7% or more, compounded monthly, assuming the funds stay invested throughout the investment period.

5. All corporate logos are for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

6. App store rating is as of June 30, 2024, and is based upon all ratings and reviews received by Apple App Store and Google Play Store (collectively, the “App Stores”) submitted since the Beanstox app was available on each App Store. Current rating can be found on Beanstox’s app preview in each App Store and is subject to change. App Store rating is generally calculated and generated by each App Stores based on the average of all total Beanstox app ratings. No compensation was exchanged for reviews or ratings. Rating may not be representative of the Beanstox client experience, advisory services, or investment performance. For more information, see more reviews at the App Store and Google Play Store

Beanstox Inc. (“Beanstox”) is an SEC registered investment adviser and has arranged for brokerage services to be provided by DriveWealth LLC., a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA/SIPC. DriveWealth is not affiliated with Beanstox.

Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Before investing, consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance levels and Beanstox’s charges and expenses. The information provided herein is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute personalized investment advice, recommendations or solicitations to hold, buy or sell any investment or security of any kind. Beanstox’s internet-based advisory services are designed to assist clients in achieving investment goals. They are not intended to provide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning with respect to every aspect of a client’s financial situation and do not incorporate specific investments that clients hold elsewhere. For more details, see our Form ADV Part 2A and Part 3 CRS and other disclosures.

All images and return figures shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not actual customer or model returns. Actual returns will vary greatly and depend on personal and market conditions. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S.

Our site uses cookies and other similar technologies so that we can remember you and understand how you and other visitors use our site. Please see Beanstox Privacy Policy for more information.

© 2024 Beanstox Inc.

Copyright © 2024 Beanstox. All Rights Reserved

Unless indicated differently, data is as of 06/30/2024.


1. Pricing: Free with Beanstox Simple. Learn About Pricing.

2. Power Savings: As of June 30, 2024, traditional US Savings Account Rate: 0.45% (YCharts); T-Bill yield: 5.20% (YCharts); 5% based on the 30-day SEC yield of the Beanstox short-duration bond portfolio ETF constituents; the 30-day SEC yield is a standard metric defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and reflects the dividends and interest earned during the period after the deduction of the ETF’s expenses. There are no assurances that this yield will be sustainable in the future. This product invests in one or more ETFs. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors. T-Bill yield as of 06/30/2024 is 5.20%. Source YCharts.

3. Stocks 500: Where applicable, as of June 30, 2024, S&P 500 return assumes an initial $1,000 investment, 40-year annualized return of 11% (Source: Bloomberg Finance LP). It is not possible to invest directly in an index. This product invests in an ETF aiming to track the S&P 500’s performance. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors. Returns before ETF fees. Diversification is not a guarantee of profit or protection against loss.

4. Wealth Builder: Saving $400/month over 40 years, but not investing and assuming no interest accrual, would accumulate $192,000; however, investing the same $400/month, could add up to over $1million over the same period of time. This projection illustrates a hypothetical example of compounding over time, based on an investment of $400 per month for 40 years with an assumed annualized returns of 7% or more, compounded monthly, assuming the funds stay invested throughout the investment period.

5. All corporate logos are for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

6. App store rating is as of June 30, 2024, and is based upon all ratings and reviews received by Apple App Store and Google Play Store (collectively, the “App Stores”) submitted since the Beanstox app was available on each App Store. Current rating can be found on Beanstox’s app preview in each App Store and is subject to change. App Store rating is generally calculated and generated by each App Stores based on the average of all total Beanstox app ratings. No compensation was exchanged for reviews or ratings. Rating may not be representative of the Beanstox client experience, advisory services, or investment performance. For more information, see more reviews at the App Store and Google Play Store

Beanstox Inc. (“Beanstox”) is an SEC registered investment adviser and has arranged for brokerage services to be provided by DriveWealth LLC., a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA/SIPC. DriveWealth is not affiliated with Beanstox.

Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Before investing, consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance levels and Beanstox’s charges and expenses. The information provided herein is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute personalized investment advice, recommendations or solicitations to hold, buy or sell any investment or security of any kind. Beanstox’s internet-based advisory services are designed to assist clients in achieving investment goals. They are not intended to provide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning with respect to every aspect of a client’s financial situation and do not incorporate specific investments that clients hold elsewhere. For more details, see our Form ADV Part 2A and Part 3 CRS and other disclosures.

All images and return figures shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not actual customer or model returns. Actual returns will vary greatly and depend on personal and market conditions. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S.

Our site uses cookies and other similar technologies so that we can remember you and understand how you and other visitors use our site. Please see Beanstox Privacy Policy for more information.

© 2024 Beanstox Inc.

Copyright © 2024 Beanstox. All Rights Reserved

Unless indicated differently, data is as of 06/30/2024.


1. Pricing: Free with Beanstox Simple. Learn About Pricing.

2. Power Savings: As of June 30, 2024, traditional US Savings Account Rate: 0.45% (YCharts); T-Bill yield: 5.20% (YCharts); 5% based on the 30-day SEC yield of the Beanstox short-duration bond portfolio ETF constituents; the 30-day SEC yield is a standard metric defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and reflects the dividends and interest earned during the period after the deduction of the ETF’s expenses. There are no assurances that this yield will be sustainable in the future. This product invests in one or more ETFs. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors. T-Bill yield as of 06/30/2024 is 5.20%. Source YCharts.

3. Stocks 500: Where applicable, as of June 30, 2024, S&P 500 return assumes an initial $1,000 investment, 40-year annualized return of 11% (Source: Bloomberg Finance LP). It is not possible to invest directly in an index. This product invests in an ETF aiming to track the S&P 500’s performance. Results may vary due to expenses and other factors. Returns before ETF fees. Diversification is not a guarantee of profit or protection against loss.

4. Wealth Builder: Saving $400/month over 40 years, but not investing and assuming no interest accrual, would accumulate $192,000; however, investing the same $400/month, could add up to over $1million over the same period of time. This projection illustrates a hypothetical example of compounding over time, based on an investment of $400 per month for 40 years with an assumed annualized returns of 7% or more, compounded monthly, assuming the funds stay invested throughout the investment period.

5. All corporate logos are for illustrative purposes only and are not a recommendation, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security.

6. App store rating is as of June 30, 2024, and is based upon all ratings and reviews received by Apple App Store and Google Play Store (collectively, the “App Stores”) submitted since the Beanstox app was available on each App Store. Current rating can be found on Beanstox’s app preview in each App Store and is subject to change. App Store rating is generally calculated and generated by each App Stores based on the average of all total Beanstox app ratings. No compensation was exchanged for reviews or ratings. Rating may not be representative of the Beanstox client experience, advisory services, or investment performance. For more information, see more reviews at the App Store and Google Play Store

Beanstox Inc. (“Beanstox”) is an SEC registered investment adviser and has arranged for brokerage services to be provided by DriveWealth LLC., a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA/SIPC. DriveWealth is not affiliated with Beanstox.

Investing in securities involves risks, and there is always the potential of losing money when you invest in securities. Before investing, consider your investment objectives and risk tolerance levels and Beanstox’s charges and expenses. The information provided herein is for illustrative purposes only and does not constitute personalized investment advice, recommendations or solicitations to hold, buy or sell any investment or security of any kind. Beanstox’s internet-based advisory services are designed to assist clients in achieving investment goals. They are not intended to provide comprehensive tax advice or financial planning with respect to every aspect of a client’s financial situation and do not incorporate specific investments that clients hold elsewhere. For more details, see our Form ADV Part 2A and Part 3 CRS and other disclosures.

All images and return figures shown are for illustrative purposes only and are not actual customer or model returns. Actual returns will vary greatly and depend on personal and market conditions. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google, Inc. Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S.

Our site uses cookies and other similar technologies so that we can remember you and understand how you and other visitors use our site. Please see Beanstox Privacy Policy for more information.

© 2024 Beanstox Inc.

Copyright © 2024 Beanstox. All Rights Reserved